Thought for the Week  July 27, 2024   


Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the task in front of you?

A couple summers ago, I replaced the roof on my house. The previous owners had…creatively…patched some spots in the past, and there were several unexpected and unwanted surprises under the shingles. I still remember the long hours removing the two (and sometimes three) layers of shingles before proudly stepping back to survey the work accomplished…only to face the fact that now that the old roofing was off, the work of installing the new roof was just beginning.   

It didn’t rain more than a quarter inch from Independence Day until Labor Day that year. I remember because I anxiously watched the weather every day while I snuck as much time as I could to work on the job. Finally, on Labor Day weekend, a neighbor from a few houses down came over with his 12-year-old son and offered to help me finish the last parts. I still remember feeling the gratitude of having a couple extra sets of hands help as we finally finished the installation. That day, having help was a game-changer.

Sometimes the things we feel God asking us to do seem overwhelming too. In fact, I’ve come to realize that it’s normal. But the beauty of tackling any work that God directs you to is that you’re never having to work alone. Whatever He’s asking you to do, the Holy Spirit has already prepared the job site, He’ll enable you to do the work required, and He’ll even follow up after you to complete the finishing touches. He’s the best Helper ever, and He’s always with us! That’s some good news!

Grace and Peace,                          
Josh Withers