Social Activities

Social Activities Committee:
Donna Young, Head
Steve Clevenger
Bob Young



Coming soon:

Church Picnic at Lower Wennerberg Park, Carlton OR
Sunday, August 18, 2024
More details to be determined.








Past events:


September 16 at 6:30 PM is our Annual Harvest Party and hayride. Food provided are street tacos, Spanish rice, chips, hot chocolate, and apple cider. Please bring a dessert. Pathfinders will sell baked goods. Come fellowship and enjoy the evening.





Past events:


August 19 Sabbath – Church at the River Champoeg State Park. If you plan to attend, there is a $5.00 parking day pass fee. Please turn in your money to Donna Young. Deadline is August 5th. Newberg Church will be closed.




Church Campout “Head Count” Sign-up Sheet is posted on the church bulletin board.  Social
Activities Committee is planning a church campout sometime in August or September - the date to be determined. They need a head count for the different camp sites at Beverly Beach. If you have any questions, contact Ken Coppernoll or Donna Young.


Prices for the weekend follows:

·  Yurts                               $112

·  Trailers                         $  78

·  Trailers with sewer

      hook-up                   $  84

·  Tent                               $  50




February 18 at 6:30 PM we are planning a combined Game Night and Pathfinder "Root Beer Float" Fundraiser in the church fellowship hall.


Join us on Saturday, December 17:

  • 5 PM Vespers in sanctuary

  • 6 PM Christmas Party in fellowship hall
Pizza, salad & punch will be provided.
If you didn't get in on the "head count" last Sabbath, please be sure to contact Donna Young so we can plan accordingly.

Bring a dessert (homemade or store bought).
Games and if you want to participate in the gift exchange, there is a $10 limit. (It is not a white elephant exchange.)
Questions, call Donna Young 503-550-6878. Thank you!


25, 2022 Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser from 9-noon at the church in the fellowship hall. Please park in the back of church building and enter via fellowship hall back doors.

Cost:  $6 @ plate
Tickets will be pre-sold to determine how much food to prepare. Contact Ken or Donna with any questions.


October 29, 2020  New Hearts 4 Christ will have a vesper service at 4:30 PM here at the church. Afterwards we will have a light supper and other activities in the evening. Come and receive a blessing from this presentation.


November 5, 2022 Harvest Party here at the church from 6-10 PM. Watch for more details as we get closer to the event.


December 17, 2022 Christmas Party here at the church from 6-10 PM. Watch for more details as we get closer to the event.



Previous events:


Community Hot Dog Feed
July 17, 2022 from 1:00-5:00 PM
Plan to join and invite others from the community to this event. We will gather under the trees on the green in back of the church building. Any questions can be directed to Ken Coppernoll or Donna Young, our Social Activities leaders.


December 18, 2021 Church Holiday Party

We started with a short vespers program in the sanctuary then went into the Fellowship Hall for our celebration. A lot of yummy goodies were served then we had games, coloring for the kids and picture taking. Our finale was the White Elephant Gift Exchange which was filled with laughter and the stolen gifts. You never know what gift you are going to end up with until the very end when the last person has their turn. Thanks to all the participants that were able to attend and to our Social Activities team for organizing this church event!


October 23, 2021 Special Vespers & Family Game Night in the Fellowship Hall starting at 6:00 PM. There will be a viewing of “The Chosen" followed by a Family Game Night. Questions can be directed to our Social Activities Team Ken Coppernoll or Donna Young.


October 24, Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser will be sponsored by our Social Activities Committee from 8:30-11:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Bring your appetites and enjoy a complete meal for $5 @ plate which will include: 2 pancakes, eggs, hash browns, vegetarian sausage patties, juice and fruit. All proceeds and donations will go toward our Church Holiday Party on December 18. Please park in the back of the church building and enter through the Fellowship Hall door so we do not disturb the Presbyterian Church  worship services. Questions can be directed to our Social Activities Team Ken Coppernoll or Donna Young. Note: Thank you everyone that participated - we raised $295 at this fundraiser.